
Infants 6 weeks - 18 months


To help develop language skills the teachers communicate verbally by telling stories and singing songs. During early communication, teachers use basic sign language gestures.

Brain Power

We provide a variety of age appropriate materials and equipment of different colors, sizes, textures, and shapes. We also encourage the use of all five senses to discover the world. We offer plenty of room for movement and exploration.

Mobility & Coordination

We support your child as he or she rolls from side to side, learns to crawl, stands and walks. We help your child transition from infant to toddler as your budding explorer learns new vocabulary and self-help skills.

Toddlers 18 months - 36 months


To support rich vocabulary, we use storytelling to help your child practice imitating and responding, asking questions and following simple directions; practice naming familiar items and support rich vocabulary development.

Brain Power

Age appropriate activities and materials that develop confidence and self-esteem. Learning areas focused on dramatic play, mathematics, creative arts, language and sensory exploration. We emphasize social growth each day through circle time with stories and songs that encourage language skills. We encourage investigation and problem solving. Our learning areas are always open for child's imaginary play with blocks and puzzles, creative art and lots of books. Children can engage in identifying basics colors and shapes, practice sorting and matching, using blocks and math cards to teach counting numbers, identification and patterns.

Growing Healthy

We teach body parts, promote self-care skills such as feeding, cleaning and dressing. We support large-motor development and eye hand coordination through a variety of activities such as kicking and tossing balls, writing, drawing, cutting and lacing activities. We will work with you and your child to provide a successful potty-training environment. Your child will practice hand washing, putting on a coat, picking up toys and sharing with friends.

Social Skills

We encourage interactions with other children in group activities; guide the development of sharing and listening skills and learn classroom routines. We support pretend play and role-playing with props and costumes. Simulation of imagination through storytelling and dramatic play is encouraged.

Pre-School 3 years-old - 4 years-old


We assist children with recognizing and practicing writing letters, and words. This will help them to write his or her own name. Build alphabet recognition through play with letters.

Brain Power

We encourage the exploration of the physical properties of materials. Use daily activities to teach about sequence of events, patterns and routines. We support the learning of cognitive skills such as counting and drawing conclusions.

Growing Healthy

We use lacing cards, stencils, and writing activities to enhance fine-motor skills, strengthen coordination and gross-motor skills through running, jumping and throwing activities.

Social Skills

We have daily classroom conversations and community-building discussions and encourage cooperation and sharing with other children. We establish classroom-helper roles to practice carrying out classroom responsibilities. We support creative expression through dramatic play, music and art experiences.

Pre-K 4 years-old - 5 years-old


We will build your childs early reading skills by connecting sounds to letters through pictures and sight words in fun and engaging ways. We help develop phonemic awareness through literacy-based games, books and puzzles.

Brain Power

We encourage the use of the senses to explore different materials to create opportunities to ask and answer open-ended questions. Computers are an everyday component of the Pre-K classroom, allowing your child to practice and expand new skills. Children are introducied to cognitive skills such as sequencing and matching and social skills in similarities.

Growing Healthy

We help to refine motor skills through the use of scissors, stencils and drawing tools. We encourage awareness of physical well-being and healthy eating habits.

Social Skills

We use character building activities to help identify emotions. We provide opportunities to cooperate, negotiate, problem-solve, make independent choices, express independent thinking and expressions through art and music.

Wesley Education Center